Pomsky Puppy - PetsA2B Pet Transport

Pomsky Dog Breed

The Pomsky dog breed is a relatively new one, said to have originated in the United States. It’s a cross between the Russian Siberian Husky and the German Pomeranian. I say that the Pomeranian is a German breed but Pomerania is a geographic region that borders North East Germany and North West Poland. The earliest…

Norwegian Elkhound

Norwegian Elkhound

As pet transporters we get to meet a large number of different dog breeds. One recent job was to deliver a Norwegian Elkhound puppy from the breeder to its new home on the Isle of Jura. The puppy travelled really well and I was struck by what a confident, independent breed it seemed to be….

Pet Transport Wales

Pet Transport Wales

If you are looking for pet transport in Wales why not see if PetsA2B can help. It’s a country we know well, regularly travelling there as part of our pet courier work. Since starting we have built up relationships with some UK Kennel Club breeders in Wales and also a selection of pet rescue shelters…

Pet Transport Scotland

Pet Transport Scotland

We’ve noticed that we get lots of requests for pet transport from Scotland. As such both Iain and I find ourselves north of the border on a pretty regular basis. Scotland is a country we both know very well. Iain was actually born in Scotland and his mother and sister still live in the far…

Snowshoe Cats

Snowshoe Cats

We’ve recently had the pleasure of transporting a few Snowshoe cats. In this article we look into the breed in more detail and suggest a couple of UK breeders should you be interested in getting a Snowshoe cat. Snowshoe Cat Origin The Snowshoe cat is a relatively recent breed. It apparently dates back to the…


Cavapoochon Guide

Cavapoochons are becoming a more popular breed here in the UK. In the last 12 months we seem to have transported as many Cavapoochon puppies as we have Labradors or Retrievers, both breeds which seem to be eternally popular. In this complete guide we look at the Cavapoochon breed in detail, giving potential owners information…

Ragdoll Kittens

Ragdoll Kittens

Ragdoll kittens are a popular cat breed, partly due to their distinctive blue eyes and their silky fur. A number of our cat transport jobs have been to collect Ragdoll kittens so we have got to know some of the UK breeders and done some research about the breed. Ragdoll Kittens – History of the…

Petlog Microchip

Petlog Microchip Database

In this article I will be looking at a recent problem with the Petlog Microchip database and what it could mean for pet owners. Essentially due to a problem migrating their database, they are asking that all existing owners pre March 2021 create a new account on their website. Problems With Petlog Database Petlog claim…

Turkish Van Kitten

Turkish Van Cats

In this article we will take a look at the Turkish Van cat, a breed that’s relatively rare in the UK. To my knowledge there are only a couple of UK breeders. Recently we were asked to transport a Turkish Van kitten from a breeder in the West Midlands who breeds both Bengals and Turkish…