Pomsky Dog Breed

Pomsky Dog Breed

The Pomsky dog breed is a relatively new one, said to have originated in the United States. It’s a cross between the Russian Siberian Husky and the German Pomeranian. I say that the Pomeranian is a German breed but Pomerania is a geographic region that borders North East Germany and North West Poland. The earliest…

Norwegian Elkhound

Norwegian Elkhound

As pet transporters we get to meet a large number of different dog breeds. One recent job was to deliver a Norwegian Elkhound puppy from the breeder to its new home on the Isle of Jura. The puppy travelled really well and I was struck by what a confident, independent breed it seemed to be….

Cavapoochon Guide

Cavapoochon Guide

Cavapoochons are becoming a more popular breed here in the UK. In the last 12 months we seem to have transported as many Cavapoochon puppies as we have Labradors or Retrievers, both breeds which seem to be eternally popular. In this complete guide we look at the Cavapoochon breed in detail, giving potential owners information…

Corgi Puppies

Corgi Puppies

Recently we have transported a number of Corgi puppies. In this article I wanted to take a closer look at the breed and recommend the breeder in Wales who I have had dealings with. Cardigan vs Pembroke Welsh Corgis There are two types of Corgi dogs, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi….